What is it that we do?

We are not only design and develop for you. We grow with you.

Web Design & Graphic Design

We mainly focused on website design. But we can also design logos, brochures, posters, company profiles, business cards, landing pages, facebook pages, twitter background, newsletter, basically anything on screens and papers.

Web Development

Your websites will be fully hand-coded by us. Not that we have any other choices -please do let us know if you happen to invent a robot who makes beautiful hand-coded websites.

Content management system

For new or developed websites; customized or Wordpress; full or partial; the choice is yours to make!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Help you to be seen and looked up on the internet. Let people find you.

Web Maintenance

No need to worry about how to maintain your web once it has been developed. We can do website maintenance for you. Any scripts and minor updates that are needed can be completed in less than 48 hrs. Urgent updates are also available with our other service plans. So, it will be less hassle for you and your company -especially your IT division.

Digital and Social Media Marketing

Not really fond of internet? Don't let the internet gets the best of your potentials. Promote and show off your digital version!


When you love to write, but time is a constraint, we are here to the rescue. Hosting and blogging ((i.e. Wordpress, b2evolution, Nucleus) will be made easier for you. All you have to do is e-mail us, relax, and the rest will be completed.

Domains Registration

We can help you purchase domains such as: .com, .net, .org, .co.id, .or.id, .info, .biz, .us, .web.id, .ac.id, .sch.id, .go.id, .tv


We are proud to say that we use wind-powered servers! So it is 300% green! Not only are we helping you, but also helping the environment. So you -well, mostly me- can have a better night rest through our continual effort in making the world a safer place to live in.